====== How to use the builtin http-daemon ====== At first you have to activate the http daemon in the bot. You can do this via the command "http". You have to tell the http-daemon on which port it listens. If you have an unprivileged account you have to use a port > 1024. I think port 8080 is a good choice: http 8080 You will receive a message if the startup of the http-daemon was successful and some informations for using it: Example ->[AUTH-CODE]? You can now start a browser (Firefox for example) and enter the following url:[AUTH-CODE]?uptime The bot will answer with: uptime: OK: The Bot is running since 28.11.2013 12:13:19 - this is an uptime of 00:01:43.1093750 It works! \\ \\ Now you can try different commands and if you know the ip of your host, you can initiate commands from another system.\\ \\ **Important:** \\ You have to escape some characters to make them work: \\ Dollar "$" -> %24 \\ Ampersand "&" -> %26 \\ Plus "+" -> %2B \\ Comma "," -> %2C \\ Slash "/" -> %2F \\ Colon ":" -> %3A \\ Semi-colon ";" -> %3B \\ Equals "=" -> %3D \\ Question mark "?" -> %3F \\ At-Symbol "@" -> %40 \\ Backslash "\" -> %5C \\ **Hint:** \\ If you like to use a Newline in your text, please use the following sequence: %2Fn%2Fr