====== Pandora Chat-Bot ====== First look for a suitable pandora chat bot on the following page or create a new one yourself: \\ \\ http://www.pandorabots.com/botmaster/en/~1de70c5f08dce1415379d929~/mostactive \\ \\ Now, use the pandora chat bot ID together with the command ** pandora ** in your bot.\\ pandora 923c98f3de35606b You find the pandora chat bot ID contained in the link of the chat bot behind the keywords.\\ For example: http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=923c98f3de35606b\\ Pandora chat **botID=923c98f3de35606b**\\ \\ ...and now activate the chat Bot:\\ chat Bot for Instant Messages: ibot 1 ...or chat Bot for regular chat: cbot 1