Improvement for command “imrelay”
Improvement for command “chatrelay”
new menu item “IM-Relay to Master”
new menu item “Chat-Relay to Master”
Bugfix for the “update” command, when installer is already running
new command “onlineinfo”
new command “masseject”
new command “randombeam”
command “debug” is now “imdebug”
new command “debug”
New Sub-Menu “Views” with all available Views
estats now includes the L$-Balance
Bugfix for the estats fields
New menu-item “eStats-Collection”
Higher Timeout for “members”
new command “flash”
Some beautify for the http-daemon port instructions
command “w” is no more (use who or radar please!)
new commands: “e”, “ne”, “n”, “nw”, “w”, “sw”, “s” and “se”
new command “cl” for the default Chair-View
new command “hail”
geturl now works for group-invites too