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Please check the download-section.


Monika Porthos, 2012/07/05 22:48:
Hello all ! I've download : hunt mode is working fine, ty a lot Eves :-) Bye bye
Moloch Redgrave, 2012/07/07 02:02:
How about the native jumping. I hate using macros!!!
Venus Raymaker, 2012/07/07 03:26:
I was wondering, could you add the "wearable" phyicals layer to the list of things that can be worn amd you also might consider support for Mesh too, These are things that I use for my shop for models and for Dancers in my club. Venus
Venus Raymaker, 2012/07/07 15:38:
I was wondering, could you add the "wearable" phyicals layer to the list of things that can be worn amd you also might consider support for Mesh too, These are things that I use for my shop for models and for Dancers in my club. Venus
Venus Raymaker, 2012/07/07 15:40:
hmm, sorry not sure why that posted twice
oliver Maxsted, 2012/07/30 11:27:
same as venus, could you add the "wearable" phyicals layer to the list of things that can be worn and you also might consider support for Mesh too, These are things that I use for my shop for models. Thanks by advance.
Holger Gilruth, 2012/10/06 00:15:
he never answe any requests
Ridder Diesel, 2012/10/11 23:43:
the command inv2nc is still not working, bot sends the notecard but nothing in the master inventory :((
Heureka Resident, 2012/10/30 08:17:
Ich arbeite viel mit den Zugriff über http und dem entsprechenden port. Leider bricht die Verbindung sehr häufig ab und der BOT antwortet nicht mehr. Um dann wieder einen Zugang über http zu bekommen muss ich entweder den BOT neu starten , was leider nicht immer den Fehler behebt. oder ich muss mehrmals den Befehl http [port] senden um den Zugriff wieder zu aktivieren. Ich bitte um einen BUGfix, da ich intensiv diese Funktion nutzen möchte aber diese dann auch zuverlässig Funktionieren muss. Vielen Dank Heureka
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